Exciting New Year’s Resolution… | January 2023 Homeward Bound Newsletter
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Exciting New Year’s Resolution…
As a fellow Lover of Holiday Time, I wanted to share with you some exciting news for the New Year.
It seems most people establish New Year’s resolutions, but for whatever reason, they fall short of keeping them. Each year I highlight a great book that helped me, and my team dramatically improve our follow-through on achieving important goals and I wanted to share that with you – as sort of a Happy New Year After Christmas Gift, more on the book in a moment.
Some of your friends, neighbors, associates, or relatives may have a New Year’s resolution to make a move. Well - we can help them with that, help you and help the kids at Nicklaus Children's Hospital Foundation at the same time.
For the month of January, for anyone you know wanting to sell their house, I will guarantee the sale of their home for 100% of Market Value or I’ll Pay the Difference. *
They Outline the goals, I agree to deliver if I do not, I pay the penalty. Who do you know considering Selling their home that would benefit from that kind of peace of mind?
Just let me know and we will give them a call!
AND remember, YOUR referrals help the Kids!
Through our Go Serve Big mission statement we are on a quest to raise $5,000 for Nicklaus Children's Hospital Foundation in 2023! For 70 years, Nicklaus Children's Hospital Foundation has established itself as Miami’s most respected servant leader connecting more than 10,000 volunteers who have a desire to help with those who need help the most.
Whether it’s providing Food for the struggling and hungry through its many food pantries, or providing temporary housing for the displaced or the abused or the homeless, to the jobs programs for struggling neighbors trying to get back on their feet, to the Clothing, the Summer Lunch Programs, the Toy Shop and their Market Place for poverty-stricken neighbors, Nchf leads the way in restoring lives one person and one community at a time.
Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to my real estate sales team?
Not only will they benefit from our award-winning service, but you can rest assured a very worthy cause will benefit as well!
I want to make it easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates, or family members considering making a move, so here are your options:
1. You can fill out the enclosed response card with someone you know considering a move and mail back to me. .
2. Of course you can always call me direct as well at (954) 466-3933.
Over the last two decades of helping hundreds of families sell their home and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people. People like you! So those you know considering a move that we help you have my word that we will do our very best in helping them buy or sell the place they call home.
The book I mentioned is a collection of 365 Daily Insights written by Zig Ziglar and our company’s Chief Inspiration Officer Dr. Ike Reighard. The Title is just that, Daily Insights.
I find this book to be a great way to start each day and better focus on fulfilling my mission of Serving Others in a Big Way! I just had to share it with you and encourage you to order a copy for yourself or anyone you know.
Thanks again and Happy New Year!
Homeward Bound Newsletter
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